The start of something new

It hardly seems possible, but here I am writing the first blog post of my new nonprofit. I didn’t set out to start a nonprofit. Quite the opposite. I changed careers from wildlife research to humanitarian assistance. To do this, I went back to school and got a degree in human rights with a certificate in humanitarian assistance.

My goal was to work with refugees, but life had other plans for me. While looking for a job that would allow me to also be with my family, I embarked on a writing venture with my former genocide professor. The relationship blossomed and we have now presented papers at two international conferences.

Although my focus has been on the use of sexual violence during genocide, I am interested in all aspects. My interest eventually led to the creation of the Center for Genocide Research and Education. I don’t know whether I can make this work, but I feel very strongly about educating the public about genocide and making sound decisions based on research. Only if we all work together can we stop the scourge of genocide and mass violence.

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